Akiptan continues to have a record demand of applications and while this means that our style of financing and technical assistance is needed, it is also generating a longer waiting period during the application process. However, our staff is doing the best that they can to process all applications in a timely manner, while also making sure that borrowers continue to receive proper technical assistance and beneficial financing. Please know that the timeline is currently a few months out from application submission to the Loan Committee for review. If you have concerns about the timeline of your application, please reach out to your loan officer or email us at

Native Youth are able to get financing through Akiptan which allows for the younger generations to start growing their agriculture operation. Anyone who is 10 - 12 can apply for a Youth Loan of up to $5,000.00, those ages 13 to 15 can apply for a Youth Loan of up to $7,500.00 and those ages 16 to 18 years old can apply for a Youth Loan of up to $10,000.00 which can be repaid over a maximum of 7 years, with a 5 year interest only period added if the producer so chooses. There is a digital copy of the application to the right which can be filled out and mailed to our office at PO Box 858 Eagle Butte, SD 57625 or emailed to our office at Supplemental documents may be required before final loan review.

“The youth loan application process was pretty easy, I thought it was gonna be a little harder, the staff were helpful and supportive,” says Maggie - 4th Generation Cattle Rancher